Manna Insect

Manna Insect business acceleration program

Are you ready to accelerate your BSF business to the next level?

Why business acceleration program is your ultimate solution

The program structure

Self-learning courses in Manna Insect FARM hub

Business validation and feasibility studies mentoring

Build the first farming unit powered by Manna MIND

Ramping up BSF production with expert mentoring

Recipe development and production scale-up

Full production and expanding

What is included

1)  Basic and PRO BSF business and farming learning courses

2)  Business validation and feasibility studies mentoring (€1,850)

3 ) Manna MIND climatization device with technical mentoring for farming unit build-up (€7,500)

4 ) Trained and functional team for production ramp-up

5) Manna Insect FARM hub pro license for managing the production

6) Full production ramp-up and scale-up investment plans

7) Operational and fully controlled BSF piloting facility build locally

8)  Show case / proof of concept farm for investments