Manna Insect

Become a BSF

Manna Insect FARM hub will integrate all essential elements necessary for well-organized and controlled production

Manna Insect FARM hub

Manna Insect FARM hub is a novel and comprehensive insect farming platform designed for learning, managing, monitoring, and networking.

Manna Insect offers a library of video courses covering everything from basics to advanced farming and production techniques. The platform will include a basic knowledge base with an AI chatbot, and a comprehensive set of BSF production management tools, available to everyone for free.


We have produced a large number of educational video courses and other digital materials that are freely available to all. Additionally, there are even more profound PRO courses available for a small fee.


With our dedicated BSF farming management tools you can control tasks in all production stages, monitor schedules and team responsibilities and consolidate all task logs in one easily accessible place.


Through the FARM hub, clients will have access to all their Manna MIND climatization devices, enabling them to monitor and adjust settings and conditions of each BSF production unit remotely.


FARM hub will feature a Marketplace for trading end products, organic waste and pre- / post processing equipment, and it will serve as a platform for networking and collaboration with BSF operators looking for partners.

Join Manna Insect FARM hub now and start learing!
The platform is still under development, and we will be adding new learning materials and creating new features over time.