Manna Insect

FAQ: What do I need before I can get started growing BSF to feed my chicken or fish?

FAQ: What do I need before I can get started growing BSF to feed my chicken or fish?

We provide you instructions on building or purchasing the growth container and using it for rearing and breeding BSF larvae all the way thru. Previous experience in insect farming is not needed!

Once the container is in place and ready, we will send you the IoT box, “Manna MIND 20ft”, that will control the container to optimize the growth conditions no matter what the weather is outside (-30 – +40 *C). Once set in properly, the growth process will be fully automated.

You will need to source the biowaste yourself (e.g. potatoes, old vegetables) that you’re going to feed to the larvae, and we will point you to the place where you can purchase the BSF eggs. We will also provide you a receipt for optimal biowaste.

That’s it! You’re good to go.

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