Manna Insect

Manna FAQ 6_2022 - How many people do I need to hire to run Manna's container, how much labor does it require

FAQ: How many people do I need to hire to run Manna’s container, how much labor does it require?

Manna’s BSF growth container is easy to set up and doesn’t need any previous experience rearing insects or understanding the underlying technology or biology.

The container itself is fully automated when running a batch, but of course there is some manual labour required when filling up or emptying the container. This amount of work is estimated to be c. 6 hours per growth cycle, which is approx. 10 days.

So, if you manage to run 3 batches per month, it takes c. 18 hours per month to run the whole operation. That’s it!

You can of course consider running several containers at the same time, a typical setup for our customers seems to be running one breeding container and 4 growth containers at the same time, and it only requires one person to run the operation.

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